Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Bob Fatrikis: A No tolerance policy for corruption in Ohio

With the Host of the Spiritual Politician
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster

Friday, August, 25, 2006 4 pm PDT

This Week's Show
Our Guest: Bob Fitrakis

The Ties that bind J. Kenneth Blackwell, Edward H. Crane, III and the NeoCons: An interview with Bob Fitrakis

And just when you thought you had heard it all yet another scandal looms large on the landscape of NeoConland.

On Friday, August 25th, Bob Fitrakis, Green Party candidate for Governor in Ohio,will discuss, among other issues, the uphill battle for honesty in politics in Ohio and the breaking story on the conversion of the initiative process now being used in half of the states in America to line the pockets and protect the bottom line of Bush's core constituency. Kenneth Blackwell, central to the charges of corruption in Ohio, has been a significant figure in the ongoing story that involves a group of individuals who have been working together since the late 1970s. That group includes Howie Rich and Edward H. Crane, III.

In the interview the issue of how we can avoid a reoccurance of fraud in the coming election will also be discussed along with Dr. Fitrakis's own campaign. What will Bob do if he is elected Governor in November?

Bob is also the originator of

The Spiritual Politician is the show that works to cut through the morass of politics as usual and show the underlying truths that bring all the factions together to answer the question of how such seemingly different political viewpoints as those of the Green Party and the Libertarian Party save America. is an online station whose shows may also be heard on the air in your area. For information on how to have your favorite shows heard on the air locally contact To receive a link to past shows for download to your ipod send an e-mail to:

What the Show is about and being a Spiritual Politician

Bringing government into alignment with the Lessons of Jesus:

The focus of our show is how to bring government into alignment with truth of our spiritual nature. So

America started with the idea we are all, inherently free. We are free to choose, free to live, to breath, and to live our lives as we see fit. Government does not own us; government is just a contractor, providing service.

That framework is in alignment with the spiritual truth that each of us connects to God directly, needing no agency as an intermediary. To be free is to be free in the spirit ans so in the flesh that temporarily holds the spirit.

When Thomas Jefferson said we were all possessed of inherent rights, existing before government he was extending a spiritual truth into a civic form. It is that Mission Statement from the Declaration of Independence we need to keep in mind.

Because we are free and reject, as did Christ, the use of deceit, manipulation or violence we need to be conscious about our relationships with others and find ways to grow into the sense of connection and community that makes us One in Him.

This is especially true for Christians but it is true for everyone else as well.

Nearly every major spiritual viewpoint enunciates the idea that we are connected to each other and should be good to each other. Christians just have an even more exacting mission. Christians are to love every one, treating them as they would Jesus.

Jesus was very clear about how we were to treat others. He did not say that it was alright to be abusive, deceitful, and violent if we used government as our tool and agent. There was no exception, He wanted all of our hearts, minds and souls. Christ did not lay out any plan of government, but left it to the conscience of the individual, the same way He connects to each of us.

We are Americans but we are also members of a human family that connects us to something truly wonderful and immense.

So our job here at the Spiritual Politician is to look at Government as a human tool we use every day. We need to consider if government is working in a way that speaks that common understanding about our connections to each other and, if it is not, we need to change it.

Americans have had many successes over the last 231 years since our founding and, learning from both mistakes and successes we can consider that question. So here at the Spiritual Politician we look at the truth behind of rhetoric.

Given what is going on today in Government what we may decide to do it reboot the whole system.

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